I-76 Julesburg, Colorado
- Owner: Colorado Department of Transportation
- Location: Julesburg, CO
- Completion Date: 3 May 2011
- Awards: Divided Highways (Rural) Award, 2011 CO/WY ACPA
- Core Competencies: Concrete Paving|Heavy Civil|Industries|Services
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Constructed in the late 1950’s as I-80S, I-76 was renamed for the nation’s Bicentennial celebrations. As part of the Colorado Department of Transportation’s efforts to upgrade the aging highway, this project reconstructed the section from Sedgwick to the Nebraska state line. The major scope included 250,000 sy of PCCP, asphalt bond breaker, drainage and erosion control improvements, 83 acres of seed and mulching, 37 miles of fencing, electrical, guardrail, pavement marking and traffic control. Super-elevation correction required PCCP thicknesses up to 17”.
The first phase began in August with concrete patching, right-of-way fencing, drainage improvements, erosion control, detour construction, bond breaker placement, temporary striping, seeding and electrical. Construction shut down for the winter on schedule. Stockpiling of materials during the winter set the stage for paving in spring, allowing completion of the concrete paving on time, and project acceptance 7 days ahead of schedule.
One of the nicer benefits of working in a rural area is the opportunity to closely interact with the local residents. IHC’s representative was able to personally visit the businesses affected by the construction and keep them updated on the project schedule and any circumstances that might impact their customers.
Concurrent with this project, CDOT was planning to fabricate a maintenance building, so IHC was able to provide the 55’ by 70’ pad for the structure.