I-80; Rock Springs, WY
- Owner: Wyoming Department of Transportation
- Location: Rock Springs, WY
- Completion Date: 1 Oct 2022
- Awards: 2021 ACPA Best Divided Highways Rural
- Core Competencies: Concrete Paving|Heavy Civil
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The I-80 Rock Springs — Rawlins (Rock Springs East) project involved the reconstruction of 12.7 miles on East Bound I-80. With nearly 50% of the traffic on this project involving trucks, the existing roadway was in great need of repair.
The monumental effort included grading, drainage, bases, hot-mix asphalt surfacing, bridge rehabilitation and replacement, 321,250 square yards of milling, 75,000 cubic yards of overburden, 13,516 linear feet of cable median barrier, 290,250 square yards of 11-inch portland cement concrete pavement, rock scaling, guardrail, pavement markings, and traffic control.
WyDOT elected to use portland cement concrete pavement as both a cost-effective alternative to the high maintenance asphalt pavement and a long-lasting upgrade. WyDOT elected to modify several of their dated PCCP specifications and used this project as a proving grounds. Transverse tining was eliminated, and non-destructive testing to verify depth and dowel bar locations was adopted in its place. The success of this project will lead to a sustaining concrete paving program in the great state of Wyoming.