Runway 17R/35L Complex Pavement Rehabilitation, Colorado
- Owner: Denver International Airport
- Location: Denver, CO
- Completion Date: 6 Jul 2019
- Awards: Gold Award - Concrete Pavement Restoration, 2020 ACPA National
- Core Competencies: Airports|Concrete Paving|Earthwork|Industries|Services|Utility and Drainage
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The Runway 17R-35L Complex Pavement Rehabilitation Project for Denver International Airport consisted of removal and replacement of areas of Portland cement concrete (PCCP) on the runway and connecting taxiways; areas of removal and replacement on the hot mix asphalt (HMA) shoulders; complete removal and application of pavement markings throughout the complex, complete update of the electrical system throughout the entire complex; complete update of the weather and low visibility systems throughout the complex; complete replacement of all navigational signs throughout the complex; & complete removal & realignment of high speed Taxiway M6. The job required all work to be complete within a 103 calendar day schedule consisting of one main 103 day phase with two 30 day sub phases to be completed within the 103 day main phase. The major scopes of work consisted of 53,000 SY of 17” PCCP removal, 48,000 SY of 17” PCCP replacement, 41,000 SY of PCCP surface grooving, 5,500 SY of CTB profile milling, 2,500 SY of soil cement base course, 185,000 LF of joint seal rehabilitation using polypropylene compression seals, silicone sealant, and 2” preformed expansion joint wright seal, 200,000 SF of pavement marking removal and replacement, 8,000 SY of 16” HMA/ATPB removal, 8,000 SY of ATPB placement, 4200 TN of HMA Placement, and 11.23 Acres of grade work to improve drainage restored by seeding and mulching. The difference between the removal and placed PCCP was due high speed TW M6 being narrowed and realigned to the new FAA standard.